I Started this web-site 25 years ago &
I was 1st on some Google Searches
Then they started to PAY to be on the 1st page
I worked on this while I raised my last child &
Had a Bead store doing free Astrolgy charts
I am now 73 years old & much wiser.I am having trouble redirecting my .com to this years index page to 2025
Please bare w/ me by changing manually.
This is a weekly weather report on the planetary action going on in the sky NOW. This is also known as a transit report. Tune in on a weekly basis to find out what the planets, Sun and Moon are up to. We can't change their position in the sky but we do have choices in how we react to their vibrations. I can't keep up with the Moons changes in the select boxes below. The Moon is like the minute hand of a clock. You'll have to read my weekly weather reports for more.
Open a select box if you don't know what they stand for. Use your "Free Will". This report now includes a truly interactive version using select boxes where you can choose the transit interpretations to make them personal to you.