~~~ When does it Happen? ~~~
GET to KNOW all the PLANETS.
The stars of the show (Sun/Moon?)
are present (constant) most of the time.

scutters about.

(we can use the word love)
is erratic, (not quite on time).
Mars is a constantly stirring up the
show in order to keep things lively.
Jupiter and Saturn will set the Theme of the show.
Uranus and Neptune will bring in some Wisdom.
Pluto is usually considered the Villan.
In order to understand the roles they play
it helps to know WHEN they will appear.
Like in any play their roles will build.
Their characters will take shape.

They may start out as a problem.
This always makes a good story.
We need to create a screenplay.

So make a list and plot your planets/actors.
(For this you should use an EPHEMERIS).
Make a list of WHEN they will appear.
Look at the houses involved so that you can
have a hand in arranging the scenery.
What disquise will the planet take on?
Awareness makes you the CO-DIRECTOR.